1- Why Choosing ComSysTek?

          R1- ComSysTek is  evolving generation of IT consultants that regroup  diversified IT specialists in variety of IT fields such as Software development, cybersecurity, network , Database , Cloud /virtualization architecture, endpoint forensic security; ComSysTek has outstanding solutions for your IT needs. 

2-What is the extend of ComSysTek IT solutions ?

         R2- We service your IT needs with focus on security and Network. Please, check our menu option <Services> to have more details. In short, we do Security Assessment of Systems with solution to protect your assets, Network Configuration, Project Management and software testing and secure webtv as well. 

3- What services related security are you proficient in?

         R3- Some applications related security:          

  • Risk Management , Project Analysis & Implementation of security within the organization
  • Network Security  thru installation and configuration of VPN, Server, routers and switches ...etc.
  • WebTV/Webmedia  secure application
  • Secure Infrastructure  for PCI and HIPAA (Merchant,  Financial institutions , Medical Facilities...etc.)
  • IT managed Services & Data Security Strategies.
  • Security of your software (S-SDLC, Software Testing) & Website security
  • Remote Support to escalate your security issues
  • Support for incident response and management of security issues for your organization.

4-What is the concept of your E-Learning?

        R3- The concept of E-learning takes into consideration the distance learning through Webinar, exchange between our experts to advance your knowledge and make the difference in workplace, community college and university.

5- What are the conditions for E-learning?

       R4- When available, members will need registration through our system to schedule the tutoring, or connection with experts with almost 10years in their field of competency , who will provide you with valuable information to advance your skills, and professional career.

6-Is E-learning service free or paid?

       R5-E-learning service has free and paid counseling depending of type of counseling or training. Paid counseling or training takes time and documentation might be provided.

7-What is the range of participation?

      R6-We talk about participation instead of payment because, it is a contribution to maintain a legacy of dedicated experts for advancement of IT. 

8- What is ComSysTek Technical Approach?

R8- ComSysTek’ as consulting  business  circles some important IT security and cybersecurity  context for effective management of risk within the company. Our team of diversified IT consultants in domains such as  Software Development, network infrastructure with server deployment, Cybersecurity experts, and Malaware forensics researchers, put in place functional and technical strategies to assist you in the best of their ability to make you successful.

9-How did ComSysTek supports Companies?

 R9- ComSysTek has a collaborative approach that bring your team and our experts to design and implement durable solutions. We are in the beginning of your project, between and duringthe life cycle; meaning that we partner with you to make sure you are up and running; we care, assist and follow up for effectiveness and efficiency.

10-How proficient are ComSysTek’s experts

R10- ComSysTek’s experts has at least 10 years of experience in area such as Network security, Risk management & DRP/BCP, Cyber security,  IT Managed Systems, Technology of media, Software development & Website security…etc.

11- Is Smartsystek a college?

R11- Smartsystek is not a college but a support system to assist users to make a difference in workplace, at colleges and universities. Our training focus on hands on with direct access to virtual environment, and all security related to real work arena.

12-What differentiate your system for colleges and universities?

R12-The professionalism of our staff, our dedication to make a difference for our registered recipients through special advancement of their skillset, and finally our training materiel.